Imperial Dental - Hungary

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Hungarian dentists are renowned for their professional knowledge all around the world thanks to permanent and compulsory continuing education. Hungarian dentistry meets the highest world standards and the dentists and technicians possess comprehensive knowledge and skills.
Although Hungary is not an unknown place on the globe, for many people it is a new destination to discover. In general the quality of services is excellent and prices are still lower than in most European countries. The cost-to-value ratio is extremely favourable in Budapest.

budapest1 emberek 028 emberek 018

"Hungary is a world superpower when it comes to dental tourism. Since 2008, Hungary has been the leading European country in this sector, as its share reaches 40% on the continent according to market estimates.

The history of dental tourism in Hungary started decades ago, when one dental clinic popped up after another near the western border of the country to meet the demand of Austrian and German patients coming for cheaper treatments. Over the following years, dental tourism evolved into a major attracting force of the country, and Budapest became the dental capital of Europe.

According not just to the advertisements of Hungarian dental clinics but to the sending countries' media as well, the level of treatment available in Hungary is extremely high, with the level of service even surpassing that of the US or the UK. Services are extremely competitively priced compared with western countries, and Hungary is renowned for having a number of excellent dental accreditations and membership in international dental organizations.

There are no exact figures available on dental tourism, so data can be derived only from market estimates, publicly available balance sheets, and the reports of health organisations and the Central Statistics Office (KSH) in Hungary. However, Hungary has been the leading European country in this sector since 2008, as its share reaches 40% on the continent. Globally, one in five people looking for dental treatments abroad choose Hungary."

According to a report of the Hungarian central tax bureau NAV, about 500 of the 2,600 domestic dental clinics or companies deal with a high proportion of foreign patients. Each year, some 60,000-70,000 people arrive in Hungary for dental treatments.

These visitors save up to 60% compared to treatment prices back at home. The main sending countries are France, the UK, Norway, Italy and Germany."

Open hour

Monday-Friday 08.00-20.00

Phone: +36-1/225-00-55; +36-1/225-00-56; +36-1/225-00-48

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fax: +36-1/225-00-47